Tax returns

Our accountants will personally address your needs and ensure you get the best possible outcome, every financial year. By knowing your situation, we are able to understand your eligibility for deductions and thus maximise your refund or reduce your tax payable. 

If you would like to get your tax return done with us this year please email your responses to the following questions to:

If you are a new client please provide us with you full name, date of birth and tax file number.

  1. Are your bank account details where you would like any refund to go the same as last year?
  2. Did you make any donations? If so, who were these to and how much did you donate?
  3. Do you have a rental property, if so please complete the attached rental property checklist.
  4. Do you have any shares? If so could you please provide us your dividend statements and purchase and sale price if you sold any.
  5. Do you pay for any income protection insurance out of pocket?
  6. For your work related deductions:
  • How much do you pay per month for your mobile phone and what % relates to work?
  • Approximately how many hours do you work from home per week? (from 1/06/2020 – 28/02/20 and 01/03/2020 – 30/06/2020) 
  • How much do you pay for your home internet and what % relates to work?
  • Did you pay for any stationary, equipment, union fees, memberships to professional associations, work conferences or training required for work that was not reimbursed? If so, how much did these cost?
  • Did you purchase any work clothing, if so what kind of clothing was this (logo’d, company identifying)? Also, did wash your work clothes together or separate from your other clothes?
  • If you traveled interstate for work, did you have to pay anything out of pocket, or did work pay for everything?
  • Did you have any travel in your car for work, such as driving to see clients, or travel to other work sites? If so, how many kilometres did you travel and did you spend any money on parking that you were not reimbursed for?

If any of your time spent working from home or for your home internet/mobile usage changed after COVID-19 please let us know what this value was before and after.

Individual tax return fees

The minimum fee to complete an individual tax return from one of our accountants is $77 (30 mins) and $100 (30 mins) from our chartered accountants (see below).

If you are able to summarise your expenses in a spreadsheet, we will be able to complete your tax return quicker and keep your cost at a minimum.

Fee structure

Hourly rates ( inclusive of GST)

 Level Hourly rate ($)
Director 330
Chartered Accountant 200
Accountant 154
Admin Staff 50